Just Simple Info


CakePhp Pagination Example

Cake php pagination example
CakePhp pagination
In web application, displaying all data from database is not a good practice. It can affect the performance especially if we have a million or even a thousand of data. It will load the entire page in certain amount of time which is not good for the user experience.

Upload Image with Php and Javascript

Upload image using javascript and  jquery
I spend a lot of time to create a code that will upload image to server. Search and search and test that what I have to do to make such function worked. Luckily found something!!! Modify some codes and finally image uploaded to server. But every time I upload the whole page refresh.

Android TableLayout Example

Andtoid TableLayout created using xml
java code

TableLayout in android is a layout where children are arranged in columns and rows. This layout not provided borders in our table rows, cells and even in columns. So, we have to create for our own.

Android LinearLayout Example

LinearLayout in Android is a layout where children are vertically and horizontally aligned. The children are aligned base on layout orientation (vertical and horizontal). By default horizontal orientation is set. As you can see the image above, the children are horizontally aligned in gray background while green background children are vertically aligned. Like other layout we can also create LinearLayout by XML and Java code.

Android RelativeLayout Example

Black is created using xml
Green is created using java code
RelativeLayout in Android is most flexible layout. Children can be position almost anywhere or children view can position to the right, left, top and bottom of another children view. This layout is useful if you want to organize the content of your application the way you want. There are two way of creating RelativeLayout, by Xml and Java code.

Create view programmatically (TextView, Button, RelativeLayout and LinearLayout )

TextView, Button, RelativeLayout and LinearLayout
without the use of xml
Sometimes we want to create our view programmatically or without the use of xml.